Saturday 7 February 2009

Best of the Beths, the winning rocket.
To our delight out rocket won, and soared right over Delacy towards Ms Gillespies room. The Rocket went over 100metres (we think). Although the parachute did not release due to the fact that it was stuffed into our rocket as the tube was thin so the parachute could not simply fall out. At first we could not get our rocket to go and had to wait for a bigger fuse, (the bigger the better!) When our rocket did eventually get going we watched it jet off into the sky, I am not entirely certain as to where the rocket is now, I think it was badly damaged when landing, but the experience of making the rockets was thoroughly enjoyed by me and Beth Roberts. Hopefully a video has been attached below of the take off, which Charlotte so kindly recorded and bluetoothed to me.

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